Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Piffle and Whatnot

'The Pixie's Guide to Words that are Probably not Actually Words but Really Bloody Should Be'

Suspidious (adj)

An amalgamation of the words Hideous and Suspicious used to describe an object or situation which is both hideous and suspicious in equal measure.

First used in conversation circa 2012 whilst attempting to describe a Ford Taurus automobile that was for sale on popular New Zealand car sales website Trade Me and the various reasons why he who shall remain closest to this little Pixie's heart should not consider buying it.

Pixie: "Don't buy the Taurus - it's hideous and suspiciously cheap... go for one of the Japanese imports with the pop up headlights that you love so much."
Sideburns: "I agree - hideous and suspicious ... suspideous"
Pixie: "I'm so using that word"

I thank you.

The Pixie's Thesaurus of Rant was brought to you today by the letter Î and the number 1977.  No websites were harmed in the making of this entry.

1 comment:

  1. I dunno... the great thing about the Taurus is you get to pretend to be Robocop.
